API Fundamentals For Product Managers

Learn the fundamentals of APIs you need as a product manager.

About this Course

APIs can sound so simple but yet very complex for product managers, it even becomes more mysterious for non-technical product managers. This course demystifies the entire concept of APIs, how they work and how you can help your companies accelerate time to market and traction goals by leveraging on APIs.

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Course Outline

API Fundamentals For Product Managers

Lesson 1: Introduction to APIs 

Lesson 2: Examples of APIs 

Lesson 3: Types of APIs 

Lesson 4: API Use Cases 

Lesson 5: Understanding the business of API 

Lesson 6: Live Case Study 

Meet your Facilitator(s)

Toyin Voldo

Senior Product Manager Jira

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What is included

1 hour+ of self-paced content
6 Lessons
Downloadable Resource

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