User Research For Products

Learn how to carry out effective user research for digital products.

About this Course

The most effective way to quickly  move past your personal biases as a designer or product manager during product development is by carrying out effective user research to help prioritize your users needs.

This course is a short practical session that teaches product teams how to carry out effective user research for digital products.

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Course Outline

User Research For Products

Lesson 1: Introduction to user research

Lesson 2: What is user research

Lesson 3: User Research Methods

Lesson 4: Qualitative Research

Lesson 5: Quantitative Research:

Lesson 6: When to use a research method 

Lesson 7: Live Q&A 

Meet your Facilitator(s)

Toyin Voldo

Senior Product Manager Jira

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What is included

1 hour+ of self-paced content
7 Lessons
Downloadable Resource

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